Support when you need it


Tutoring is an active-learning activity that can help you develop the skills, strategies, and mindset you need to master a subject. If you find the content in a course challenging, our trained peer tutors can help.

Tutoring cannot and does not replace your attendance and participation in class lectures and labs. Rather, it provides you with the opportunity to discuss difficult course concepts, ask questions, and work practice problems with a trained peer tutor who has successfully completed the course.

You can also schedule an appointment with a tutor to guide you on a path to being better organized with how you make use of time, by helping you put together a day-planner. 

Don’t forget to bring your text(s), any notes you have taken, and assignment instructions, to your tutoring session. When creating an appointment, please be sure to select “face-to-face” or “online.”

Group Tutoring

Contact the to set up an appointment for group study, so that you can work with a tutor, along with other students, to review material and help each other.

Tutoring Subjects

We provide face-to-face tutoring in most core curriculum courses and many beginning major courses. Some tutors are also available for online or weekend appointments.

If we don’t list a tutor in a course that you really need, ask, and we will see if we can identify a tutor for you.















Hours and Locations

The Learning Center is open Monday through Friday. To make an appointment online or in-person, please visit .

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. tutors are located on the first floor of the Student Center, in the Student Success Center.

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. tutors are located on the second floor of Norris Hall, Room 203.

Closed for university-observed holidays.

  • : Online video and text lessons
  • : Vocabulary
  • : Virtual Lessons on many topics
  • : Stress Management, Memory Techniques and Avoiding Procrastination 
  • : Note Taking techniques
  • (search nursing mnemonics)
  • : Study games, flashcards, test practice
  • (search RN videos)